Monday, June 30, 2008

Ahh...The Joy of Taxis

I am sure everyone living in this country would agree with me that there is an issue with taxis,whether it is the lack of them, their crazy way of driving or even them pretending not knowing the location in order not to get stuck in traffic.

But the worse one yet, which I believe is inexcusable is the lack of seat belts!!
Not only you wait a long time for a taxi in this scorching heat, you not only have to deal with his speed and lack of concentration but he tells you: " oh? no seat belts? It's alright, no problem", throwing that" you are so paranoid" look towards me.
No I am not paranoid and I totally refuse to get in a taxi especially with my baby with no seat belts. Come on guys, at least the basics!! Why take unnecessary risks? Life is risky enough as it is!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

i think the archive you wirte is very good, but i think it will be better if you can say more..hehe,love your blog,,,

4:15 pm  

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