Monday, November 23, 2009


Can't sleep! This happens to me every time there is something exciting happening! Well December is coming soon and that is enough! Between Christmas and New year celebrations, parents coming in for a visit and my sister's wedding, that is enough to wake a hibernating bear!
Oh, forgot to update you on the latest events. You see, my sister is getting married and that is so exciting. The wedding will take place in Lebanon on the 17th of December and Skye and I are going of course. We will be back on the 21st with my mother on the same flight to spend Christmas with Michael and his parents in Dubai. Other than that, there is Christmas shopping, Christmas cooking and decorating which keeps me awake all night. The solution: it is just writing them down, I make lists for lists, I scribble down all these ideas and empty my head just to sleep a bit before Skye wakes me up at dawn usually. And I thought I was a morning person...I do mornings but I don't do before dawn!


Anonymous Care said...

Most people have the occasional night of disturbed sleep. Insomnia is a feeling of not being able to get enough sleep. It’s usually related to finding it hard to get to sleep, waking up without having had enough sleep or not feeling refreshed after sleep. One in four people are thought to suffer from insomnia at some point in their lives. Insomnia is the inability to fall asleep or to stay asleep longs enough to get a proper night’s sleep. This can make you feel permanently tired.

10:25 am  

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