Orthosports' Iftar dinner
Orthosports'invitation for an iftar dinner at The Terrace on a harbour surrounded by magnificient boats.

Everybody was there...well almost.

Good food and good company.

Orthosports'invitation for an iftar dinner at The Terrace on a harbour surrounded by magnificient boats.
Just wanted to say that Fadi has been going through difficult times, between work and relationships, let's say life has been hard. Remember Fadi that you are surrounded by family and friends who love you and cherish you. Be brave and hang on to the roller coaster. Your sister, Sandie.
One of the most mysterious languages in the world is that spoken by the Basque people of northeastern Spain. It is not obviously related to any known language group and many linguistics think it may date all the way back to neolithic Europe; for example, its word for"axe" is closely related to the word for "stone".
We would appreciate it if you do not share this information with the authorities, the FBI, the CIA, the tax man or any other conspicuous government bodies.
Holiday in Greece was one of the best ideas so far. We were greeted in Athens by a thunder storm and friendly greeks. Our favourite part was Marie, Michael's sister surprising us in the next room with a big Hello!!