Wednesday, August 13, 2008
Friday, August 08, 2008
Skye & the Cookie Monster...
Skye has found her new Guru. Perhaps you have met him? His name is Mr. Cookie Monster. They're continuously whispering career secrets to each other and deciding how to improve the quality of Business. Basically, Skye is trying to figure the fastest way to eat as many cookies as possible. In other words, how to become the future Miss Cookie Monster. She was perturbed by her lack of teeth but her fellow toothless puppet friend has given her a new found confidence!
Sunday, August 03, 2008
The Lady is 4 Months Old:
Skye is great. She screams a lot because she realised that she can actually control her vocal cords so it is an opera house here. If you ever visit us just make sure you bring ear plugs! She is still growing and getting taller by the minute! She wears 6 months to one year sizes. She giggles a lot these days and rarely cries. She still cries at bath time, I guess it is part of her development and eventually she will grow to like bath time. She is also curious about everything which makes feeding time a challenge because everything is a distraction!
We are looking forward to our trip to Lebanon to escape the heat. Skye will get to meet the whole family and hopefully she won't be very spoiled. We will be away for 45days. I will tell you all about it once we get back.
I really enjoy taking pictures. She has a great smile. I like the one with the pink dress & hat... A lady of leisure...G & T, waiter, please.

A new hair style.

Family portrait.